
  • October 22, 2020
To the little one I love

Dedicated to the joy of our lives, my nephew:   To see my childhood unfold through your unbridled laughter, and watch those who loved me love you too. To catch the sparkle in your innocent eyes at all things new, and realise this world suddenly stands at its dawn again. To dance with you, holding […]

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  • September 15, 2020
The dress that changed my life

Every girl has a different view with regard to fashion. Some don’t care for it, some live for it. Some of us are Carrie Bradshaw, others, Coco Chanel. Do you remember a period of your life through music? The first time I heard Edith Piaf, I knew I had to go see France. Or perhaps […]

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  • August 10, 2020
My favourite writings

This is one of my favourite segments from Paris Je T’aime: He watched his wife cross the street, in the red trench coat she always swore she’d throw out but always retrieved from her closet year after year. She was like that about everything. It was the trait that attracted him when they first met. […]

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  • July 15, 2020
Rainy day memories

Today, I heard the frantic pitter-patter of rain on the zinc roof. It felt so nostalgic because it reminded me of childhood and the farm house from many years ago. How deafening a mid-day deluge could be, making an afternoon of rain feel like the end of the world to a ten-year-old. Just like how […]

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  • June 29, 2020
The start of an end

She with her fiery red curls, tears staining her porcelain, ivory face and a hardened resolve, sat on the Ice Throne. With a gentle wave of hand, the loyal guards in her palace blew into long horns. Thunderous echo howled through the never-ending corridors. She had ordered the gates of her kingdom to be closed […]

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  • April 29, 2018
Sometimes it’s right to quit

Quit being a nice girl to the world. Start being nicer to yourself. Quit trying to fit in when you have outgrown what was comfortable. Seek first what your heart wants. Quit people who care more about using you as a mirror for their vanity than how you feel on lightless days. Hold tight instead […]

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