Copywriting & Editing

Power your business with exceptional writing.

You have a story to tell. A brand to build. A world to conquer. You need words that measure up to your vision and show off your values.

Regardless of medium, your brand can only come to life through writing that captures attention and captivates the readers. You need a strategic wordsmith, a competent copywriter, a creative problem-solver.

Good Brand Story offers copywriting services for your business needs. It is not just ink to paper. Here are some of the media we work with:

  • Website
  • Apps
  • B2B materials
  • Magazines
  • Etsy
  • Shopify
  • Amazon store
  • Airbnb listing
  • listing
  • LinkedIn profile

To err is human, to edit, divine!

Have you unfortunately hired writers who have failed to deliver? Do you have in-house writing that requires polishing and refining? Are you a writer by hobby and now seek a more professional eye to fine-tune your masterpiece?

There are many situations where you and your business can benefit from a good editing:

  • You might be a great communicator but not a good writer.
  • Your writing requires a consistency of tone because different people have worked on the text.
  • English is not your primary language so your writing needs enhancement to read smoothly.
  • You need a second opinion because you have worked too long and hard on your writing that you fail to catch mistakes.

I delight in correcting grammar, re-structuring sentences and finding a better way to articulate an idea. It is my pleasure to help make your copy stand out and shine through. Some of my editing services include:

  • Structural editing
  • Copyediting
  • Proofreading

My role as an editor is to transform your words into a persuasive and cohesive piece of writing that is clear to read, easy to comprehend, and error-free. You might already have an existing piece of writing that does not require research or working from scratch. Feel free to ask about our proofreading and editing services!


Words Have Power


Engage Audience

How do you differentiate your brand from your competitors? How do you go beyond informing your readers to influencing or even impressing them? With more businesses and transactions taking place online now, persuasion begins with cohesive writing backed by a solid strategy. Grab attention, capture imagination, inspire action - all with the right words.


Connect Emotionally

This is an era where customers value authenticity and seek an emotional connection with their favourite brands. Not only do you need to communicate with your audience effectively, but you also need to articulate your worth. You need writings that enliven your brand purpose, cut through the clutter to get the attention of your clients, and resonate with them.


Level Up Your Brand Presence

First impression counts. Let your website and social media platform reflect the quality of your goods and services. It would be a waste to create an excellent product or offer a unique service, only to be let down by less-than-effective copy that fails to convert.

Work with a top-rated copywriter today

We want your readers to fall in love with you, your customers to become loyal fans, your competitors to scramble in despair. We want your followers to join your tribe, heed your war cry, and embrace everything you stand for. We want to walk shoulder-to-shoulder with you as you make a mark in the world.